The annual multi-day power downtime at MGHPCC will take place June 5th-8th with return to full service 9AM June 9th along with Research Computing at Harvard FAS (FASRC)and Northeast Storage Exchange (NESE) team.
– Power-down of the NERC will begin from 8 AM on Monday, June 5th.
– Power will be out that night and through the following day, June 6th.
– Maintenance to NERC, FASRC, NESE infrastructure and network upgrades will occur on June 7th.
– Power-up ETA and return to full service is 9 AM on Friday, June 9th.
– While this outage impacts all services and resources in the MGHPCC/Holyoke data center, please be aware NERC services along with storage will not be available during this timeline.
– Power-up ETA and return to full service is 9 AM on Friday, June 9th; so we urge you to keep an eye on to get the progress during this time.
– Please do subscribe to the NERC’s status for any future updates:
Our priority is to help make science happen, If you or your research team have any questions or need to escalate an issue, please don't hesitate to reach out to us via email ( or, by submitting a new ticket at the NERC's Support Ticketing System (osTicket).
New England Research Cloud (NERC)